Alpha-amylase - Enzyme for starch hydrolysis

Alpha-amylase ENZIM is the enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of alpha-1,4-glycosidic bonds of starch, which leads to a rapid decrease of the viscosity of gelatinized starch solutions. The final products of the action of alpha-amylase on starch are low molecular weight soluble dextrins with a low content of mono- and disaccharides (glucose and maltose).
🌀The enzyme alpha-amylase is an enzyme of wide application and it is effectively used in the technological process of various industries in which starch is needed to be broken down in starch-containing raw materials: brewing, the production of alcohol, synthetic detergents (SD), bakery products, in pulp and paper and textile industries.
The plant ENZIM (Ladyzhin, Ukraine) produces the assortment of alpha-amylase to meet the needs of various manufacturing processes.
☑️High-temperature bacterial alpha-amylase
Formulation: liquid
Enzymatic activity: 800 u/ml
🌡Temperature optimum: 30 - 80°C
pH optimum: 6.0 - 6.5
☑️Medium temperature bacterial Alpha-amylase
Formulation: liquid
Enzymatic activity: 2000 u/ml
🌡Temperature optimum: 60 - 70°C
pH optimum: 6.0 - 6.5
☑️Alpha-amylase fungal
Formulation: powder
Enzymatic activity: 5000 u/g
Enzymatic activity: 10000 u/g
🌡Temperature optimum: 90 - 95°C
pH optimum: 6.0 — 6.5
Plastic canister: 1, 5, 20 L
📦Storage conditions
Keep at t° from + 2°С to + 15°С in a dry place, protected from direct sunlight
Plant of enzymatic preparations ENZIM (Ladyzhyn, Ukraine)
Buy alpha-amylase enzyme from the manufacturer:
📲 +380444998801
📲 +380675823322
📲 +380955823322

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